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A daughter's tale of truth, love and letting go

Moondance cover

An addictive spin on awakening, soulmates and past lives

How to recognise your soulmate? Take this Soul Mate Test!

For this soul mate test, I've scoured little-known on and offline information from cosmic law to the truths revealed by Edgar Cayce.

In other words, this soul mate quiz isn't Cosmo mag fluff! More like Cosmo... goes scuba diving in different dimensions. Still fun, but... with resonance.

A different kind of soul mate test

While this soul mate test focuses mostly on romantic relationships, it can be used to identify a soulmate relationship of any kind. Don't be surprised if by doing this soul mate test, you realize that you have a soulmate, but in someone you hadn't expected.

If you want to go deeper than the article below, consider booking a private karmic astrology session with me.

Do you believe in reincarnation?

I'm using the assumption that our relationships take place over lifetimes. However, your beliefs about reincarnation don't matter.

Disclaimer! I am not a relationship professional. However, I've worked intensively with spritual facilitators, a past life therapist and have experienced past life regression first hand. I've delved deeply into my own history and past lives.

So consider this a tool you can use to keep you on track, as you're dating, or as you're re-defining what you're looking for next time around, and as you, through living your life fully, continue to peel away the mysteries of your own heart.

Instructions for this Soul Mate Test

Answer Yes or No, to the following questions and tally up your answers. Look to the bottom of the test, for an interpretation.

Don't be scared to answer no! I know it's hard to imagine that the person you love isn't your soulmate. It may even bring a lump to your throat or tug at your heart.

This doesn't mean that person in your life is less important. All of our relationships are important for growth. I also believe that each has the potential to become a spiritual soulmate relationship... with conscious work (on both your parts!)

Answer these questions ‘Yes’ or ‘No’

  1. When you first met, did you feel a great deal of unexplainable comfort when together, like a ‘low hum’?
  2. Do you bring out the best in each other?
  3. In each other's presence, do you feel safe to be your real self?
  4. Overall, for the purpose of this soul mate test, would you describe your relationship as ‘expansive’? (or restrictive)
  5. When there's disagreement or conflict, do you work cooperatively to resolve it? (or do you thrive in drama)
  6. When one of you screws up, in reasonable time, are you both able to forgive?
  7. Is your sex life, a natural, deepened extension of your day to day relationship?
  8. Down deep, for the purpose of this soul mate test, do you feel secure in your relationship? (or always worrying)
  9. Do you both find ways to build each other up? (or are there put-downs)
  10. Can you be your most vulnerable, imperfect self with each other without worrying about judgment or rejection?
  11. Adjusting for the normal need to compromise sometimes, when you solve problems, do you experience a feeling of ‘win-win’, or is one of you generally the ‘winner’ and the other the ‘loser’.
  12. Was your meeting remarkable, or serendipitous in some way?
  13. Generally, is there ease of flow in your relationship? (or does it feel like a constant struggle)
  14. Do you feel completely safe and able to express yourself sexually with this person, however you both choose to express your sexuality?
  15. When you fight, are you (generally) confident you'll work it out? (or are there extremes)
  16. For the purpose of this soul mate test, do you feel that you were already both pursuing your life purpose (‘on track’ in life) when you met? (or did your honey ‘fill a gap’ in you)
  17. Does your relationship encourage you to stretch outside of your comfort zones and grow as individuals? (or is it restrictive)
  18. Do you have an inspirational, creative connection?
  19. Understanding we all have different life skills, deep down, do you feel as if you're equals? (or is one of you always dominant)
  20. Does your relationship support the both of you in becoming more whole yourselves? (or do you constantly sacrifice your needs)
  21. Overall, for the purpose of this soul mate test, are you and your love moving together in life, in a positive direction? (or does one of you stifle the other)
  22. Understanding everyone has bad days, on balance, is there more cooperation than struggle in your relationship?
  23. Do you feel that the other is a gift provided to you by life?
  24. Together, are you working toward a larger purpose (a contribution toward humanity, for example), that neither of you could or would have tackled alone?

How to interpret the results of your Soul Mate Test

I consider all of our relationships important, lying somewhere in (what I call) a ‘soulmate continuum’. The good news is that all relationships have the potential to be a spiritual soul mate relationship.

The ‘bad’ news (so to speak) is that... we may not be able to transform the karma from every karmic relationship into a soul mate relationship in this lifetime.

Ouch! I know that might hurt to hear. It really hurt me when I heard it for the first time. It took me a while to accept... but now I understand. In time, I hope that you will, too, and will be excited to take control of manifesting your soul mate.

For the purpose of this soul mate test, the more of the above questions you can honestly say ‘Yes’ to, the further along you are in the soulmate continuum. In other words, the closer you are to being in a true spiritual soulmate relationship!

You're soul mates!

If you said yes to 20 questions or more, you're definitely soul mates! Woo-hoo! You're the couple that we all want to be! This doesn't mean everything's perfect all the time, or you don't have stuff to work out. Just that you are confident you will work it out, and you're good for each other in the process.

Look at you. You're twin flames!

If you said yes to 20 questions, plus Yes to question #24 (about working together for a larger purpose), then I'm so excited for you! In this case, you may not only be soul mates, but twin souls (also known as twin flames, or twin spirit).

Did you think that twin flames, were one soul that had been separated? That's a common misconception.

You're in a significant karmic relationship

If you said Yes to less than 20, then it's likely you're in a significant karmic relationship. Some people call these karmic soulmates.

Sure, there are some situations where a less than perfect relationship is beneficial for soul growth, or it's a situation where one of us is re-paying a karmic obligation.

However, note this: you are not obligated (nor encouraged) to stay in relationships that drag us down, or are abusive to us. In fact, saying no to abuse is the most loving thing you can do for yourself, and the abuser.

Thanks for taking this Soul Mate Test!

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Soulmate signs – 10 surprising soulmate signs for blissful relationships - tailored for him and for her.

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