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A daughter's tale of truth, love and letting go

Moondance cover

An addictive spin on awakening, soulmates and past lives

Private karmic astrology sessions that reveal your unique Soul Mission

It's December 13, 2013 and I'm moving to a new home!

So I won't be doing karmic astrology sessions until after December 27. You're welcome to purchase one now, of course. If you do, I'll be in touch with you personally to confirm timing. Happy Holidays!

If you feel it's your time to explore this powerful information, I'd be delighted to work with you.

YES Karen! I want to book now

Option 1: Private Soul Mission session by Skype or phone

Book now Your investment: $250 CAD

Option 2: One-way Soul Mission Audio

Book now Your investment: $147 CAD

I prefer to learn more first, before booking...

Welcome and thanks for your curiosity!

Karmic astrology is an important part of my own personal journey. I've found it incredibly helpful understanding deeper life questions. You know — the ones that you can't get at with logic alone.

A private karmic astrology session is particularly good at addressing the issues that haunt you, that keep you up wondering. And the questions you have that have no clear ties to your current life.

Why karmic astrology is different

Karmic astrology is also known as esoteric or spiritual astrology, and it has a rich, ancient history. I like it because it's empowering: it puts us in control and doesn't predict. (prediction alone — in my opinion — is dis-empowering)

Instead, karmic astrology introduces the idea that:

  • we're souls having a human experience who've lived many times before
  • as soul beings, we've chosen our lives to grow spiritually
  • each of us have a unique soul mission which (if we commit to it) results in astonishing growth and fulfillment
  • our painful experiences are Catalysts to compel us to go within, and choose between love and fear (and explore deeper questions - way to go!!)

You don't have to believe in past lives for this to work for you. You will need to open to the possibility, and be curious.

What a private karmic astrology session can do for you

Whether you're a beginner, or a lifelong seeker, opportunities to embrace your soul mission will continue to unfold for the rest of your life.

Karmic astrology is a powerful tool to have at your disposal.

I love it because it puts you in the drivers seat, helping you consciously make decisions aligned with your soul. It's like the law of attraction on steroids, because it acknowledges the unique soul that you are.

Here's something almost no one talks about: EVERYONE IS UNIQUE. Your soul mission is different than mine, and it's different than your best friend's. No one talks about this, yet to me it's what's missing in many self growth approaches.

Karmic astrology helps you reveal your Unique Soul Mission. By consciously aligning your personality with your soul, you will:

  • discover your soul mission and why you're really here
  • experience life's flow more easily and joyfully
  • feel that your life has meaning
  • increase your intuition and clarity
  • more confidently make decisions, even in uncertainty
  • attract more situations and people that will match your expanding, unique vibration and keep you On Path.

When you do experience challenges in life (everyone does), the soul secrets revealed by karmic astrology will help you face them with new inner power.

Not only that, but it'll increasing your personal capacity to integrate every experience in life, releasing you from karma, increasing Love in your life and magnetizing your heart.

Interested in a a private session with me?

All sessions include

  • Your Soul Mission and current life themes (transits)
  • Your Soul's Unique Energies for the Year (Solar Return chart).

This powerful information is kind of like your soul's blueprint. You'll get a clear sense of what's coming up for you, so that you can work with your soul's purpose instead of (unknowingly) struggling against it.

Not sure of your birth time?

To give you the most accurate and rich information, I do need your birth time. So I suggest that you dig deep to get it!

If you can't get your birth time and are strongly drawn to have a session with me, I can give you general information about your Soul Mission and karma. However, I won't be able to do Your Soul's Unique Energies for the Year.

Your options for Soul Mission sessions

You can choose either a live session by Skype or phone. Or, you can choose a One-way Intuitive Audio.

Option 1: Private Soul Mission session by Skype or phone

Book now Your investment: $250 CAD

These private karmic astrology sessions last about 60 minutes.

During our call, I'll ask you a number of questions, to get a sense of your priorities. I listen carefully to your words, as this will reveal to me how your soul mission is showing up in your life right now.

I then start by sharing what Your Soul Mission is. Then we get into Your Soul's Unique Energies for the upcoming Year.

Of course, you can ask questions as we go along!

Here's how it works:

  1. You purchase your private session from this page.
  2. My trusty system then sends you an e-mail with a link to a form asking for the information I need to do your session.
  3. You fill out the form from your computer, and submit it online.
  4. Within 24 hours (most often sooner), I'll be in touch personally to schedule the time for our session.
  5. After our session, I'll send you an e-mail with a link to your audio (you'll need to download it within five days).

I've been told that folks still discover new information about their soul mission from their soul mission audios even years later. I'd love to do this for you!

Option 2: One-way Soul Mission Audio

Book now Your investment: $147 CAD

These one-way karmic astrology audios last about 30 minutes.

I quite like these, as I'm able to tune into your chart and go with my intuition on what I'm feeling. I'm not a “psychic” by the way. But I do find that this approach taps into something bigger and the results are always surprising.

Here's how it works:

  1. You purchase your session from this page.
  2. My trusty system then sends you an e-mail with a link to a form asking for the information I need to do your session.
  3. You fill out the form from your computer, and submit it online.
  4. Within 48 hours, I'll send you an e-mail with a link to your audio (you'll need to download it within five days).

Are you ready to invest in your private karmic astrology session? I look forward to working with you personally!

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