Photo of Karen M. Black

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Karen M. Black
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Back to the Water cover

A daughter's tale of truth, love and letting go

Moondance cover

An addictive spin on awakening, soulmates and past lives

Choose to see the life

I hope you'll forgive me for doing this issue of Moondancing a bit differently, this week.

On the day the last issue went out, May 22 – I lost my dear old Dad.

It’s been hard. Yet I'm aware... like any change that leaves a space inside, it's also part of life. And I know too, that I am lucky to have had him for so long.

I spoke at his funeral and that was hard, too. But when I arrived home, I wearily wandered into my small back yard to be closer to the earth. To my surprise, I discovered my first flowers of the season. These three massive peony blooms, bursting with life!

More these days... it's not loss that most often brings me to tears. It's not change, it's not the unexpected and it's not disappointment that I didn't get what I want.

What brings me to tears is when we choose to see the life, despite it all.

“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.”
– Norman Cousins

Choose to see the life

35 photos that will re-inspire your faith in life and humanity

Bookmark this one. If you feel yourself tipping over into That Fear Place and you can’t make it to a flower garden, look at these images that capture the part of humanity that never makes it on the news: the power inside us that cannot be stopped. I invite you to experience these, whether you’re seeking your soulmate, seeking some peace and even if you’ve seen them before. May they open your heart. View the photos here

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