Photo of Karen M. Black

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Karen M. Black
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Back to the Water cover

A daughter's tale of truth, love and letting go

Moondance cover

An addictive spin on awakening, soulmates and past lives

Will you manifest what you want?

I’ve noticed something. When I manifest opportunities, I do so in one of two ways.

In the first way, I get a call or e-mail out of the blue. Or I meet someone in a place that yesterday, I was never intending to go. What happens then, depends on my response.

When I say yes, an experience unfolds in the present. When I say No, I shape an experience for the future.

In the second way I go after something. These are my big dreams. They’re either new experiences for me, or experiences at a whole new level.

At times, these also feel rather like a carrot on a stick. They’re the ones that compel inner change. Inspire me to do things I never thought I’d do.

Does this resonate for some of you?

Along the way, big dreams may reveal your soul purpose, or take you on an unexpected journey.

As you get closer to your big dream, the Universe may test your commitment. Do you really want this? Okay then. Show me! And again!

This is why your intention for a soulmate, may first result in heartbreak, bringing to the surface a wound that must be healed before you can experience the loving relationship you have asked for.

This is why your search for financial prosperity may first result in job loss, a break in income, or a job offer that’s a step back or a same-old lateral move.

And so on.

And – this is why ANY big dream you have may require that you say NO – again – to a same-old murky pattern from your past.

Will you manifest what you want? If you have a big dream and you continue journeying toward it with determination and willingness, at some point magic will kick in. But it’ll only be when you’ve consistently, unwaveringly demonstrated that you are willing to both change... and help yourself.

(this is why cultivating self-love while waiting for a soulmate is so critical)

You already know the areas of life you’re divinely blessed. The areas where serendipity reigns and the phone calls come from out of the blue.

You already know the areas in which you have a big dream, a big stretch, a big level-up.

If easy hasn’t been your experience in this area, are you willing to do *this* until the tide turns?

YES, you’ll need to say in the face of a hurdle. YES, again YES!

NO WAY, you’ll need to say to the same-old. I am done with that. NO!
(and Universe, I prefer that you DO NOT bring me that version again)

Hint: This is the answer to your manifesting question.

While pursuing big dreams, allow the journey to change you. For there nestled on the Heart Path not yet traveled, may be what you’ve been seeking all along.

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